Check and Delete active Trojan , key loggers & hidden processes from your computer

Are you aware from Trojan, virus or any any type of hidden keylogger running on your pc and sending your details to hacker ?, It may be your login detail or every access of your computer.

How to infect Trojan or Keylogger to your computer ?

hidden process resolve tricksway

If you are using internet surely you download content online, it may be songs, picture or anything.
Hackers also target your system using such way, they upload infected files with hacking script and when you run such type of files they get your access.

While your computer is ON, number of hidden processes and applications running behind background.
Window's standard Task manager unable to shown hidden process.

How to resolve such type of problem or check for hidden process ?

There is several way to show and delete hidden process but now I'm going to share easiest.
I'm going to ask about a utility name Process Revealer you can download it from Here !, by using this you can easily view and kill all hidden process on your computer that could be acting malicious.

Process Revealer for hacking

As you seen in above image, hidden processes are highlighted and you can easily identify them in list of all active process. Now you can Delete active Trojan , key loggers & hidden processes and it will end Trojans and you will be safe and smile.

Himanshu is a young engineer living in India. Currently working at Cognizant as a Senior Engineer. He is an ethical hacker & blogger too, doing lots of crazy stuff... If you seem interesting, go through his portfolio: : "Open Source. Millions of open minds can't be wrong!

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