Worlds top 10 most famous hackers and their hacks-part1

Hello friends today we are going to share some most interesting article for tech lovers. this special article goes to top master hackers, their passion and hard work make them popular legally and illegally.

Worlds Top 10 Most Famous Hackers:

1: Albert "segvec" Gonzalez-

Albert-HackerIn 2009, Albert Gonzalez said guilty to hacking into numerous companies 'computer systems in connection with the called TJX identity theft ring - the same series of crimes that led to the raid on Jonathan James' house. This group Gonzalez was a part of stole 36 million credit card numbers from TJX, which owns by TJ Maxx and other large stores, although the 70 percent or so of these cards were expired. also, the costs to companies responding to the attacks were immense; TJX alone spent approx more than $170 million [source by: Zetter].

What's the strange about Gonzalez's case is that for years he worked as informant for the secret service, providing such information on other credit card thieves. However, by continuing and expanding his own criminal behaviour, he left himself open to prosecution and was eventually sentenced to 20 years in prison. Several other men also sentenced to prison time for their participation in the chain, although Gonzalez's sentence remains the longest ever handed down to a hacker in the United States.

The TJX Ringleader Fact:

Albert Gonzalez sent the data he stole to the TJX ring's mastermind, Maksym 'Maksik' Yastremskiy. He was sentenced to 30 years in prison by Turkish authorities in yaer 2009.

2: Jonathan James-

Jonathan-james-hackerJonathan James had already achieved renowned hacker status by becoming the first juvenile hacker in the age of 16yrs to be sentenced to juvenile detention for 6 months in year 2000. Going by the alias "cOmrade," James was charged with hacking of computer system belonging to NASA and the Department of US Defence. His hacks were harmless, but he stole information and the security breaches required extensive downtime in order to secure the systems, which cost tens of thousands of dollars.

James' father truly supported his son, saying that he had not caused any damage and had exposed only security flaws. Unfortunately, after leaving the juvenile institution, James' troubles increased when he tested positive for drugs, and when his mother died his age of 18, that left him alone in her house and little motivation to work, a basic recipe for hacking.

In year 2008, government agents raided his house as part of an investigation into what was then called the largest identity theft case in U.S. history. James and some others were suspected of hacking into the systems of many large level businesses and stealing information as part of an identity and credit card theft chain that had millions of dollars. Two weeks after the investigation, James committed suicide. He left a suicide note behind the all the mystery, explaining that, while he considered himself innocent.
[source by : Stout] and [source by: Poulsen]


3: Matthew Bevan and Richard Pryce-

Matthew-Bevan-and-Richard-PryceHackers of many types, some hackers steal confidential information or money, or damage to systems, but few hackers can claim to have nearly started a war. But in year 1996, Matthew Bevan and Richard Pryce were accused of just that by the U.S. government. Bevan and Pryce both are British, both are arrested separately after the two month of investigation, for trying to break into U.S. military systems.

Bevan was just 21year old IT worker at the time and went by the hacker alias "Kuji". while Pryce was only 17 and known as "Datastream Cowboy". According to a U.S. government report, the two allegedly worked together for several months, first establishing an electronic beachhead on a computer system located at Griffins Air Force Base, New York. They then installed large password collecting programs and began hacking their way into other government systems. After discovering the intrusions, U.S. officials became especially alarmed when they found that the duo may have infiltrated a North Korean system during an especially tenuous time of negotiations with that country over its nuclear-weapons program. Because the intrusion came via a hijacked U.S. government computer, it could've been construed as an act of war. Ultimately it was discovered that the hack in question had targeted a South Korean government agency.

Phone Phreaks Facts:

Among "phone phreaks" - hackers who manipulated the pre Internet phone system - none were better than Joybubbles (aka Joe Engressia), a blind man with a genius-level IQ who used his perfect pitch to whistle for free phone calls.
[source by: Knight] and [source by: U.S. Department of Agriculture]

4: The Masters of Deception-

Masters-of-DeceptionThe Masters of Deception (MOD) was a group of hackers based from New York who, in the past year of 1980, went on a hacking activity, taking particular advantage of the US phone system in order to hack into various corporate and government networks.

Although members of the MOD were top listed hackers, their big mistake came when they engaged in a rivalry with the Legion of Doom (LOD). The battle between the two came known as the Great Hacker War.

Total five members of MOD plied guilty to various crimes, and four spent many years in jail. The groups members dispersed, and many found work for technology and security firms. Their story has been chronicled in many articles and books, including one whose title says it all- "Masters of Deception: The Gang That Ruled Cyberspace."

5: John Draper-


John Draper is a person after serving as a radar technician in the Air Force in the mid of yaer 1960, Draper began tinkering with the phone system, learning it's intricacies, it's internal codes (including, allegedly, a code that allowed him to get President Nixon on the phone) and how to hack the system for free calls.

For his hacking exploits, he became known as a "phone freak," adopting name after finding a toy whistle in a cereal box and learning that the whistle could be used to imitate telephone tones. Later, Draper linked up with Steve Wozniak, we know them as co-founder of Apple, and also wrote one of the first word processing programs eventually picked up by Apple and IBM. But his eccentric behaviour, poor business sense and bad luck hampered his ability to make money and to stay in a job for long. In the late yaer of 1970, he served two stints in prison for making phone fraud.

Over the years, some of Draper's more successful Silicon Valley friends, as same Wozniak, have tried to help him, but his record and behaviour make him difficult to employ. A 2007 newspaper article described Draper as living in a decrepit, one room apartment, having almost no teeth, and getting by either on the kindness of friends or occasional programming gigs.
[source by : Rhoads].

Post going too longer so next 5 will come on next post...Thank you 

Himanshu is a young engineer living in India. Currently working at Cognizant as a Senior Engineer. He is an ethical hacker & blogger too, doing lots of crazy stuff... If you seem interesting, go through his portfolio: : "Open Source. Millions of open minds can't be wrong!

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