Today I am going to show you another amazing blogger trick. That is flying twitter bird. This simple twitter bird can boost your traffic instantly. So isn't it amazing?? Twitter is an excellent platform to share your links and drag more visitors to your blog. Millions of people use twitter and this flying twitter bird.
This is not just a flying bird. Once a reader moves over this twitter bird it gives them two options. Oncee to tweet your post to twitter and other is to follow you in twitter. Bot hare important for web masters to increase their traffic. Other important feature of this bird is it will fly down when you scroll down. Then the reader will see this gadget all the times.
This is the screen shot of this amazing gadget.
You can see a [button color="blue" link="" target="_blank"]Live Demo[/button]
Now let me explain the process to add this Flying twitter bird,
1. First go to your DASHBOARD>> DESIGN >> EDIT HTML
2. Then press CTRL+F on your keyboard and search for following code
[quote color="#ffffff" bgcolor="#000000"]</body>[/quote]
3. Then copy the following code and paste it below the code
4. Now replace the sentence "Add your Twitter name here" with your twitter name.
You can also add this flying widget to WordPress or Custom sites, for WordPress paste above code in Text/Html Widget and for website add anywhere before closing of body tag. Let me know if you are facing any problem.
One comment: On Add flying twitter bird to blogger
I actually have enjoyed the put up, thank you for sharing.