Blackphone, a fully encrypted handset is going to launch in February

Hi friends........

There is a great news for the people who are more concerned about security or we can say that  bad news for hackers and crackers that a new Smartphone is going to launch in February i.e. "BlackPhone".


The Blackphone is a smartphone developed by the makers of “Geeksphone”, “Silent Circle” and “PGP” that will provide encryption for phone calls, emails, texts, and internet browsing for security purposes. This BlackPhone will provide internet access through VPN(Virtual Public Network).


This idea of a encrypted phone was incorporated by Silent Circle founder and PGP creator, “Phil Zimmerman”.This phone will be launched most probably in February.

Motorized by a security-oriented Android Operating System i.e. PrivatOS, Blackphone is a carrier and vendor-independent smartphone. This phone allows consumers and businesses to make and receive secure phone calls, exchange secure texts, transfer and store files, and do video chat without compromising privacy on the device.

You have never heard the news related to Geeksphone, the Spanish manufacturer, unless you search about Firefox OS. It has said it’ll launch a new handset at Mobile World Congress next month that will have privacy and security as its first priority instead of all the features that smartphone users usually have to put up with from carriers, advertisers etc.

The BlackPhone is the result of several efforts from leading persons in the industry in which Phil Zimmermann, creator of PGP; Jon Callas, co-founder of PGP and CTO of Silent Circle; Javier Agüera and Rodrigo Silva-Ramos, co-founders of Geeksphone ; Geeksphone; and Mike Janke who is the CEO of Silent Circle and former US Navy SEAL are involved.


At Blackphone's website, Zimmerman said,“I had to wait for the rest of the technology infrastructure to make it possible to do telephony the secure one. PGP was kind of  indirect route for me to catch up to make really good secure telephony possible”.

Author Credit : Priya Gupta

Himanshu is a young engineer living in India. Currently working at Cognizant as a Senior Engineer. He is an ethical hacker & blogger too, doing lots of crazy stuff... If you seem interesting, go through his portfolio: : "Open Source. Millions of open minds can't be wrong!

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