Customize Windows 7 Logon Screen With New Style

Logon WorkShop is designed specifically to help you edit the logon screen in Windows 7, or create a new one. There are plenty of tools that can achieve this in a very simple manner, asking only for the image you want to apply as background.
However, Logon WorkShop is a bit more than this because it opens a wide range of customization possibilities,

for each element available on this screen. The application is free of charge and does not require any installation.  

The application window looks comfortable enough for a beginner user to have no trouble handling. It lists a set of five skins in the left, each of them being previewed when selected. These are the themes created by the author of Logon WorkShop, who also makes available the original one created by Microsoft, in case you decide to return to the default logon screen.
The good news, though, is that you can’t mess things up, since you can always return to the original screen Microsoft implemented in Windows 7, labeled “Default” in the application. Also on the upside, you cannot edit it.
If you feel up to it, you can start creating a new logon screen from scratch. The developer of the application makes available the necessary resources for the job, or you can bring in your own bitmaps and backgrounds.

The level of control available in the application is incredible. You can modify buttons, the user tile as well as text properties. All this is available in the editing mode of the program.
The Good

It does not require installation, which comes in handy when you want to remove it. There are five skins already available to choose from. You can edit each of them or create your own from scratch.

Customization possibilities abound. You can modify the position of the elements on the logon screen, their size, as well as replace them altogether.

The Bad

The amount of options present in the program is overwhelming and discouraging most of the users. During our test we noticed that some functions either do not work or are missing completely.

The application does not offer a way to preview all the modifications without having to apply the skin.

The Truth

Logon WorkShop
is a good application, but not as good as its set of customization options might make you think because it is quite difficult to work with. It is definitely not a program for the beginner user and fully customizing your logon screen with it might take quite a while, especially with trial and error previews.

[button color="orange2" link="" align="center" target="_blank"]Download[/button]

Himanshu is a young engineer living in India. Currently working at Cognizant as a Senior Engineer. He is an ethical hacker & blogger too, doing lots of crazy stuff... If you seem interesting, go through his portfolio: : "Open Source. Millions of open minds can't be wrong!

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