How to build mobile app online for website or blog using PhoneGap

I'm going to share very interesting article that's common need for web developer now days. Every blogger or web developer wants to make android, ios, or windows app for visitors.
In this tutorial you can learn how to build mobile app online for blog or website.
Let's start:

  • Signup on GitHub from here !
  • Signup for PhoneGap from here !

Now in your mind some basic question is striking...

What is GitHub ? and What is PhoneGap?

GitHub is a web-based Git repository hosting service and PhoneGap is an open source framework for quickly building cross-platform mobile apps using HTML5, Javascript and CSS.
Why you need such accounts it will be clear in next step.

  • You need to create first welcome page for your app, create a html file index.html and put following code or as you want.

  • Create a config.xml file and paste following code, change as per your requirement but don't change icon name or extension.
    Select your app logo and put all in a folder as below image, make sure your logo is in png format.

how to build mobile app online
Now compress folder is in .zip format, as below image.

make simple android app online using phone gap

PhoneGap limitations for private use and you can build only one app so I'm giving you a trick to build unlimited app.

Goto and login. After login click on Gist and paste html code as above index.html also filled out other details as you want and click on Create Public Gist.

After that copy Git URL from right side of window, see below image to clear your doubts.

github phonegap app build online

Now it's turn to comeback on PhoneGap, and follow below steps:

  • Click on Add App and paste copied Git URL in required field, leave branch or tag.
  • Upload zip file created as above and start building app in public mode.

mobile app building using phonegap

  • It will take small time to create app, when app created you will see various option like QR or direct download. Do as you need.

 app build using phonegap


how to build app using phone gap

Cheers !!! everything is done, install and enjoy your own mobile app. This tutorial only for build basic app you can do more with PhoneGap. Left your comment if you have any question or mail me at

Himanshu is a young engineer living in India. Currently working at Cognizant as a Senior Engineer. He is an ethical hacker & blogger too, doing lots of crazy stuff... If you seem interesting, go through his portfolio: : "Open Source. Millions of open minds can't be wrong!

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