One of my friend ask me about such problem, actually he want to total count of his Google plus followers and want ot manual display according to it.
Let's make it simple, get google plus follower count using API in text-
Go to Google Developers Console and Create Project and fill required details create project.
Click the created project to go to its dashboard, and click on Use Google API and select Credentials from left menu as below Images.
After that click on OAuth Screen and fill required details.
Now you can able to create Credentials after clicking on it.
Select Service Account Key and generate key.
Now copy API key and proceed for below step.
Use below JQuery API to get details of G+ account and followers count.
var profileid = '110700693786942896145'; var apikey = 'AIzaSyAqlZ1MJSGXMSs8q5WbfvLpZTGJeHLVc2w'; var url = '' + profileid + '?key=' + apikey; $.ajax({ type: "GET", dataType: "json", url: url, success: function (data) { var googlefollowcount = data.circledByCount; $(".googlefollowercount").html(googlefollowcount); } });
and get it on a div as below:
<div class="googlefollowercount"></div>
You can also get Demo on JsFiddle from below:
Hope you will like it 🙂
2 comments: On Get Google Plus Followers Count Using API
Hello sir i am a blogger and i am using feedwind to display some feeds but it comes with its feedwind footer branding can you help me in hideing it.
Could you please share feed URL?