Remove credit links from blogger template and stop redirecting

Hello, I hope you are doing good let's discuss about a working tutorial how to Remove credit links from blogger template because one of my friends download a blogger template from one of paid template provider, and tried to change the credit link but after the edit of footer section or link blog start redirecting to template stores homepage, then he reverts the changes and keep the genuine credit links and details of template then it starts working as normal.


 remove author credit link from blogger template


He tried a lot but not able to remove credit of blogger template owner,  changing the name of text and other URL etc takes efforts but the problem remained same after every code, just like a game of hiding & Seek. Every time when he removes credit links from blogger template the homepage automatically redirected to template store website address.

Why I'm going to share a trick to remove credit link from blogger template?

This tutorial may create little loss for template stores but sometimes the reason is genuine to share something useful for small-scale bloggers. I saw a premium template seller's Facebook fan page where people are asking how to remove credit link from templates and here admin and other members are making jokes about that requests. It seems quite bad for those who don't know how to code, that's why I decide to share some logic to remove credit links from blogger templates.

Yes, as we all know that credit is a first right of the developer but as for the human resource and the values, I feel good to share few scripts to remove credit link from blogger template and avoid redirection of a template to another website or link.

Remove credit links from blogger template and stop redirecting

Actually, credit links are attached to the template using Javascript. Its name can be footer, credit or copyrights or something depends on the mind of a developer. There are multiple ways remove blogger template copyright links, let's start one by one-

1- Remove javascript: Removing javascript is irritating and time-consuming because it needs lots of effort to find that links and remove all the credit. You need to understand complete code after you can do it yourself.

2- Hide copyright link via CSS: This a very simple code also an implementation of this code is not taking a long time. But as of now, template owners start considering this trick so might be not working for you. But before any conclusion, you should give a try and do not worry. I will do it free for you if nothing will work.

Edit your blogger template and Go to footer > Find something like copyright, credit etc as below image.

author link removed from blogger

and add below the line with copyright ID-

style="visibility: hidden"


style="opacity: 0"

In above case you are just making invisible copyrights still, you can do more.

author link removed from blogger

Still not able to hide or remove credit links? Let me try few more steps to fix such hack.

Step 1- Add a class name 'copy-hide' in copyright div, as below, it can be different means such class or id names depend on the template. Check accordingly.

For example, I got a template having footer id 'copyrightslink':

<div id="copyrightslink' class='copy-hide'

and add below JavaScript function in your script area

$('.copy-hide').css('width', '0');
$('<div class="copyrights"> Designed By: <a href="#"> Your Name </a> </div>').insertAfter('.copy-hide');

You can also try for the most working script to hide credit link:

setTimeout(function(){$('.ty_footer_copyright').css('height', '0').css('font-size', '0'); $(' Copyrights My Website ').insertAfter('.cpleft');},200);

Change URL and name as you want.

Cheers ! Now you can successfully hide the credit link. You can check the edited demo from Here!

Still unable to remove credit link from the footer ? let us know.

Himanshu is a young engineer living in India. Currently working at Cognizant as a Senior Engineer. He is an ethical hacker & blogger too, doing lots of crazy stuff... If you seem interesting, go through his portfolio: : "Open Source. Millions of open minds can't be wrong!

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